Wisdom From Books

Archive for the ‘Financial intelligence’ Category

Can a person be at peace and at war, both at the same time?

Can a person become a ‘peaceful warrior?

After reading Dan Millman’s book: The Way of a peaceful warrior, my answer is ‘Yes’

One of my friends recommended me to watch the movie: The Peaceful Warrior when I posted top three motivational movies on this blog (you can read about three motivational movies from this link: http://wp.me/pHUHq-fz)

The book is based on a real life story of an athlete who suffers with an accident and his leg is broken.

This book (or you may watch the movie if you want) is about a young person who meets a mentor called Socrates at a gas station. His mentor teaches him to be at peace with himself first rather than fighting a war. He gives him practical guidance to walk on the path of focus. Even after meeting a major accident, that young person is able to become athlete again. It is a must watch if you want to get motivated to achieve big in life.

The Author of the book has claimed: The book that changes lives!

In this post, I would like to share three ideas from this book:

1. We should live in present

No tension of past or no worry of the future – only present!

Some one said: You cannot change your past but you can certainly destroy your present by worrying about the future.

A peaceful warrior is at peace in the given moment. A peaceful warrior is present in whatever he or she is doing. I remember another great saying: Past is gone, future is yet to come, you are blessed with a gift of current moment – that is why it is called: PRESENT!

2. Happiness is the name of a journey not destination

It may happen that we get what we wanted but after that, we feel empty!

One should enjoy the path – the journey of life – every moment of it.

3. Have solitude and discover what is inside us

A peaceful warrior spends time in silence and tries to discover one self. One of the difficult tasks is to be at peace and harmony with oneself i.e. to discover the inner self!

Once a person is silent and tries to ‘listen’ to the voice of silence, peace is achieved which comes from within. (Who can change you? Here is an interesting post: http://wp.me/pHUHq-9F)

Message of the day: Let’s live in the present!

Your thoughts?

Have you heard about rich people who are not happy at times?

Do you know about those people who have a very good job, they are earning well but complaining that they are not happy?

Who is a wealthy person? Do you think that a person is wealthy when he or she has lots and lots of money?

I think there is more to wealth than money only.

We all are wealthy in one way or the other. Really – Believe me!

In my view, a wealthy person is always happy. Why?

Because there are seven types of wealth:

Read the rest of this entry »

How can we distinguish big thinkers from small thinkers?

Quite simple.

By listening to their vocabulary and words they use.

Listen to people around you and concentrate on the words they are using.

Just try ‘listening to others’ for one day and will help us to understand that positive people use positive words.

Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward-looking, optimistic pictures in their own minds and the mind of others.

To think big, we must use words and phrases which produce big and positive mental images. How can we develop the big thinker’s vocabulary? Here are four ideas on how can we use big thinkers’ vocabulary: Read the rest of this entry »

We have read many stories about successful people in the world – Scientists, Artists, sports people, businessmen or any one else –  What are the key areas which all people have to learn before they become successful?

Is it some magical word or is it some habit?

People become successful when they learn how to handle three things.

Successful people learn how to handle: Read the rest of this entry »

Think and Grow Rich

I always thought that a person should work hard, earn more and grow rich.

However, Napoleon Hill suggests that first, change your thinking if you want to earn money and become rich. Once ‘organized thinking’ is cultivated, achievement of the goal to beome rich turns easier! Do you believe this?

Generally it is considered that being rich means being wealthy i.e. having lots of money. However, in the all time best-selling book: Think and grow rich, Mr. Hill has advocated that all the blessings of almighty including our ability to work, a sense of happiness, joy, peace of mind, strength, courage, wisdom and of course money – all are ‘riches’ and hence, one can achieve richness by ‘thinking’ first and then working towards them.

Think and grow rich is the book which took 25 years in making!

Story of the book is quite fascinating. Read the rest of this entry »

If Madonna sings and record an album on one hand and a great heart surgeon work for three hours on one patient, who is going to earn more?

Can you guess?

If your answer is Read the rest of this entry »

Habit 1: Always exceed expectation

Self made millionaires always exceed expectations. There are three kinds of people at work: Those who meet expectation, those who exceed expectation and those who do just what they are told to do. People who exceed expectations add value to any organization wherever they work. 

 Habit 2: Be proactive

Don’t just sit and watch things happening – Be the change you want to see! Read the rest of this entry »

A billionaire goes to different colleges and shares his experiences with them in ten simple, easy to understand ideas on success. We cannot attend his sessions but we can get benefit from what he has written in his book. Here are his ten tips to become more successful: Read the rest of this entry »

Cover - Cash Flow Quadrant

Book cover

Once Mughal Emperor Akbar asked his advisor, Beerbal: Is faith more powerful or a saint (peer) is more powerful? Beerbal replied: Faith is more powerful than anything else. Akbar asked for the proof. Beerbal told him that he would respond to him in due course of time.

Beerbal got a dead donkey buried at one place and constructed a shrine over it. Beerbal also placed two people as guardian of shrine who kept on sitting at shrine and worshiping like it was a big saint’s monument. People started flocking and seeing that a new shrine is in town, started praying, giving alms etc. One day, Queen got news that there is a shrine where if you ask something, you are granted your prayer. She asked the king Akbar to accompany him to the shrine. The King asked Beerbal to take them to shrine. After a few weeks, Beerbal took them to shrine and there were hundreds of people, asking for all sorts of things from shrine and the saint. At that time Beerbal told Akbar: Here you go with the proof. If people believe a donkey to be a saint, that donkey will become a saint. Beerbal got the dead donkey out of shrine to prove his point. This is a fable / a tale to depict that power of believes is above all.

If you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you are right!

If people believe they can change their cash flow quadrant, they can, if they believe they cannot change their cash flow quadrant, they cannot!

Hope you would have read first three steps towards changing cash flow quadrant from E & S (Employed & Self Employed) to B & I (Business person & Investor)

Here are last four steps:


There are three types of investors: One who seeks problems, one who seeks answers and the last ones who know ‘nothing’. Which kind of investor are you?

Do you want to be one who knows nothing? Do you have questions like: What do you recommend I invest in? Do you think I should buy real estate? Which mutual funds are good? Most of employees and self employed people fall in this category of investors i.e. who seek answers.

Now, the fast track investors: They seek problems. They look for problems caused by those who are in financial trouble. Lesson: Start small and learn to solve problems. Skills related to Business and investing need to be learnt.

Action points: Attend financial sessions and seminars to learn more. Meet with business brokers to see what kind of businesses are for sale in your area. Attend business opportunity conventions. Subscribe to business news papers and magazines. Learn about business and more important; try to act…..


Action points: Seek mentors. WHO YOU SPEND YOUR TIME WITH IS YOUR FUTURE. Learn from successful business persons.

a. Write down names of six people you spend most of your time (all your family members count as one). Take a look into those names. That is your future…… Six people with whom you spend the most time with are your future…..
b. Now, write down, from which quadrant are they earning their income? E, B, S or I?
c. Last, what kind of investors are those people?
d. Think!


EXPECT TO BE DISAPPOINTED. This means: Prepare yourself for unexpected results as well. Prepare yourself emotionally so that you can remain calm and cool in all type of situations.

Action points: Make mistakes. Put little money aside monthly and finally, TAKE ACTION. Just do it.


Words you speak are mirror of yourself. Listen to your own language. ‘I am not good at remembering names’. ‘I can’t do this’. ‘I am always’ like this’.

BE AWARE OF THE WORDS YOU SPEAK. Words are reflection of your thoughts. If you say: My spouse is never going to understand this or my boss is never going to understand this, in fact, you are using your spouse or your boss as an excuse. Actually, you need better communication skills……

Action point: Believe in yourself and start today….

Enjoy this lovely post on another blog on power of thoughts.


Cover - Cash Flow Quadrant

Book cover

Here is the common saying:
Go to school, get good education, do a secured job, retire with good money in bank……

However, there are few other NEW rules for earning money.

The cash flow quadrant tells us that a person can earn money be either being an employee, by being self employed, by being business person or by being an investor.

Every one is Chief Executive of one self. Have we ever thought:

1. What are our assets? (Remember that the asset is what feeds me if I have no other source of income)

2. What are our liabilities? (Remember that the liabilities eat me. If I am paying for my house i.e. a lease / mortgage etc., my house is a liability, not an asset – Kindly refer to prior posts / videos for this concept)

3. How does our life’s balance sheet look like?

4. Are we creating any asset?

Here are new rules for money:

Other ideas from the book:

1. Job provides little freedom and personal time.

2. You don’t need school / university education to be rich. Look around and see – how many rich people do you know are very well-educated?

3. An understanding of risk and management of risk is a must when you decide to invest. Making investment is not risky. However, not knowing how to manage risk is risky..

More ideas from the book to come in this week. Keep reading and share your thoughts

Take part in poll. Express your thoughts


Given a choice, what would you do? Job or Business?

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