Wisdom From Books

3 pathways to mastery in any thing we do!

Posted on: April 5, 2011

So we want to be a master student or we want to be an excellent accountant or we want to be an oustanding entrepreneur….

The question is: How to achieve mastery in any thing we do?

Wayne Dyre, a motivational speaker once met an ice hockey player and ask him about his secret of being the great hockey player and he responded: I practice every day. However, Wayne Dyre was not satisfied with the response. So, he kept on exploring. Finally, the hockey player said: I see the goal in my mind before actually scoring it!

What are the pathways to becoming best in whatever we do?

Three pathways, as suggested by Mr. Dyre are:

1. Discipline

In order to get to the topic, discipline is needed. No olympic player wins a medal without practicing and discipline. Without disciplines, teams cannot win. In order to be a good learner, organized working is required for which practicing with discipline is the key.

2. Love

Do we love what we do? 

Are we happy with what we are doing on a day to day basis?

It is said that if you don’t find the job you love than love the job you find!

3. Surrender

Acceptance from heart and feeling the work is the final pathway to mastery. World’s best players not only enjoy what they do but their life is fully dedicated towards what they do.

Your thoughts?

9 Responses to "3 pathways to mastery in any thing we do!"

[…] Acceptance—Notice the moments of resistance in a day and start becoming aware of the what cause resistance. Let it go and accept life. […]

There is no way out of these three valuable points, I agree. But let me be more specific. What kind of discipline does an accountant need? This is a topic of discussion in our office these days as well.

This is really interesting question: What kind of discipline is required?. This is indeed a question for which there can be lot of discussion.

In my view, discipline is related to proper organization of tasks in hand and ensuring the path to the goal is straight. To summarize:
1. Where are we now?
2. Where do we want to go?
3. what kind of habits are needed to reach there.

thanks for your comments – you may share your thoughts.

After some discussion today, we have found some good habits that should be developed.

1. Consistency (This was my point in discussion. This is the thing which I lacked since always and now I am developing and feeling massive positive changes)

2. Listening and asking from experts of the field.

3. Starting the work under someone’s supervision (e.g. an accounting student should work under qualified accountant, a business-minded person should start working under someone doing the same business)—-I have seen many such examples here.

4. Attitude and passion — The thing which we want to do or become should become our inner self which pushes us forward.

5. The habit which we should leave is thinking we are perfect. One stock trader I know mentioned some days before that he always had to bear a loss as he always thought that he was an expert and others are here for doing non-sense and for fun. He is finished now as I know.

6. Always say ‘YES’ to any job that comes in your way. If you say ‘NO’, forget about it, you have lost that change of either learning or earning.

7. Leave the habit of measuring the success or progress or performance ONLY in terms of money.

There are some others I think. However, even if we stick to these, we can achieve the goals which we have set in our life. These rules MAY drive anyone to what he wants to achieve.

To establish where are we now is easy, but needs some time like 2 weeks to carefully think.

The most important thing is to define where we want to go. Motivational speaker, Joseph McCledon, also press hard to establish this otherwise no motivational factor or habit will work.

So truee Adeeb sahib – I think you have brought out the points quite clearly. What you have mentioned has been defined in the motivational literature as ‘mentorship’. If you have time, try to listen to Jim Rohn. His mentor was a successful businessman, Earl Shoff who taught him many things. Supervision and mentorship really helps. I think I have a blog post for every thing you have mentioned in your comment. Also, you have touched upon an interesting aspect of not saying ‘no’. This means that a person should be a ‘go-getter’. I would highly recommend that if you have time, please read the book: Go-getter (http://wp.me/pHUHq-ew)

On consistency, the movie 127 hours brings the message beautifully. You may read about it from : http://wp.me/pHUHq-fp

On seven forms of wealth: http://wp.me/pHUHq-dr

Again, goals are the first thing which counts. If we don’t think of going any where, we really won’t go any where. Here is the post One habit common in all successful people: http://wp.me/sHUHq-786

Thanks again for sharing

all agreed!

Thanks for your comment amit

I agree to all 3!!

Have a wonderful time.

Thanks Jawad sb – Appreciate your comment and encouragement

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