Wisdom From Books

Archive for the ‘Motivation’ Category

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A person who is engaged by Bill Gates to provide personal coaching session to him and his family on mediation – A person who was former Buddhist Monk and now, running his own multi million pound company – Headspace .A person who turned Bill Gates from being a skeptic to a person practicing mediation – Meet Andy Puddicombe – currently the only clinical meditation consultant in the United Kingdom cleared for private practice. Andy got extensive training in meditation for 15 years, all around the world.

He has set up the Headspace organization with one simple aim in mind: to demystify meditation and make it accessible and relevant to as many people as possible.

His book “The headspace guide to meditation and mindfulness” is a treat to read. In very simple manner, he has explained about training one’s mind to be calm and peaceful in different stressful situations. Three areas to train one’s mind include: i) Approaching the subject of meditation ii) Practicing meditation and iii) Integrating meditation to daily life.

While I shall write on the three areas in a separate blog post, ten suggestions from the book on living more mindfully are:

  1. Perspective—choosing how you see your life: “For meditation to be effective it doesn’t really matter how you view your life. But it can be useful to acknowledge the general theme, because that way you can be more alert to the tendency to slip into negative patterns of thought”. Its not what’s happening outside of ourselves that causes us the most difficulty, but rather what’s going on inside our own minds—which, thankfully, is something that can change.
  2. Communication—relating to others: There is no use of taking out own frustrations on others.
  3. Appreciation—smelling the roses: Be grateful and notice small things in life which provide you happiness and be appreciative.
  4. Kindness—toward both yourself and others – When you are kind to others, it will provide you a peaceful feeling; try it and see for yourself.
  5. Compassion—in the shoes of others; Put yourself in shows of others. Thinking from other’s perspective and putting yourself in others’ shoes will help avoid picking up fights with other people.
  6. Balance—Life is like a sea; full of ups and downs. Fluctuations are part of life. Mind’s training through meditation can help develop a balanced approach.
  7. Acceptance—Notice the moments of resistance in a day and start becoming aware of the what cause resistance. Let it go and accept life.
  8. Composure—letting-go of impatience. Meditation is not about getting results. It is about becoming aware.
  9. Dedication—sticking with it; Practice will make things happen.
  10. Presence—living life skillfully; This means have presence of mind and not to say something spontaneously on which you will have to regret later. Have the strength and stability and don’t respond impulsively.

Looking forward on learning more on mediation and how to mediate? Feel free exploring more from https://www.headspace.com/meditation-101/what-is-meditation


Everyone has issues, challenges and problems in life. Everyone is trying to face those challenges and find ways to solve problems.

People are playing by the ‘rules’ of the game which are seldom challenged. Here is a short story from the Greek literature which brings a very interesting moral: ‘There is more than one way to solve any problem in life’

Here is the story:

In ancient Greek mythology, Gordius, who was King of a state, gave a challenge to the people.

He declared that whoever could untie the ‘knot’ was destined to become ruler of all Asia.

People came one after the other and tried their level best to open the knot. No one was able to untie or open it fully. Puzzle remained where it was – the knot was still tied.

Then came Alexander the Great. He too tried his hand at the task but like others, he was also unable to get the knot untied. He got impatient.

He tried again and again with both hands to open the knot. However, knot was tied in a manner that he was unable to untie it with his hands. Impatience started growing.

Finally, he pulled out his sword and smashed it down on the knot, cutting it in half!.

Instead of using hands, he used his sword to cut the knot.

The king saw this and told the audience that his challenge was to untie the knot.

Though Alexander has used unconventional way, he has achieved the results. Alexander was awarded the prize and he became ruler of all Asia.

So, the moral of the story: There are more than one way to look at a problem. Unconventional ways may help at time! We might need to think more, re-frame the problem and think out of the box to find the solution.

Note: The above story is from the book: Tales for Coaching by Margaret Parkin

“I know what I have to do but I don’t know how to organize myself”

“Only 24 hours! I wish I had more”. “This is too much. I can’t handle it all”

Does this sound familiar? Generally, people have much to do in lesser time. We all need to increase productivity to achieve better & more results. Here are five ways to improve personal productivity:

1. Law of HPO

Law of HPO says: Use a paper, a document, an email, a fax or any letter only once and not again. Once you have reviewed a paper or email, complete your task and don’t review it again. It happens that we mark our emails to read them later. That ‘later’ may never come!

HPO stands for: Handle Paper Once.

2. Practice UGF

We generally execute ‘easier’ tasks first and less easier next. Practising UGF will improve your productivity. UGF stands for: Ugliest Task First!

Hence, try this: Eat that Frog – Do the ugliest task first and see the magic of increased productivity. Here is a post on setting priorities: http://wisdomfrombooks.com/?p=713

3. Have a BUS

I am not advising you to buy a BUS but you need to have a BUS system i.e. a back up system. Have you ever lost a mobile phone or have suffered computer crash or some unfortunate incident whereby you have lost the data?

As I have moved to my new website www.wisdomfrombooks.com, read more of this entry from: http://wisdomfrombooks.com/?p=1044

Here is a summary of ten positive thoughts from Mr. Qaiser Abbas’s training on developing a positive mental attitude:

1.       It takes equal energy to think small and big. So why not think BIG!

2.      Change impossible – to I’m possible. You will note that impossible can also be read as:  I    M     POSSIBLE (Its the matter of reading and perception! – Here is inspirational story of Honda: http://wp.me/pHUHq-9X)

3.      Gratitude and Negativity cannot be together – hence remove negativity NOW! (and replace it with Gratitude. Every one has some thing in life to be thankful for. (Read more from: http://wp.me/pHUHq-4i)

4.      Your mind’s eye should see – and what you see – is what you will possess. Remember your mind cannot differentiate between a dream or what you are thinking in reality. A negative imagination will only make you negative and depressed. Hence THINK POSITIVE. The pictures you show to your mind will become a reality – hence show positive things constantly.

5.      The Law of Attraction – ask – answer – receive, hence how you are living now is what you have attracted. (Read summary of The Secret: http://wp.me/pHUHq-4q and the three principles of the law of attraction: http://wp.me/pHUHq-3Y)

6.      Live with PRIDE – Promise, Risk (Calculated), Innovation, Drive, Empowerment

7.      Focus on your inner positive juice – don’t worry of the outcome. Remember if you don’t have it – you can’t give it. So enable yourself towards positive states.

8.     Give to your colleagues, positive and timely feedback for their behaviors – knowing that ultimately  they will reach their goal. However, note that all the time feedback is not given – but this does not stop us – we work around, we fall but we re-bound.

9.      Have a positive state of mind. Make this your shield. Create this behavior and enabling state which is excitement, enthusiasm, anticipation, confidence, motivation, energy – this will lead towards empowerment. Don’t be in paralyzing states of anxiety, stress, depression, anger, hate, and resentment – that only lead to negativity.

10.  Your STATE can change by your BODY (Posture, Breathing), Language (Tone, Metaphors), Focus (Pictures, Dark/Bright). So, if you want to turn negative thinking into positive, change your body posture – (Try it – believe me, it won’t cost any thing!)

Note: Mr. Qaiser Abbas is a motivational and inspirational speaker. He is author of best selling book: Tick Tick Dollar. Read his earlier posts from this blog: http://wp.me/pHUHq-gt


From Qaiser Abbas, Motivational & Inspirational Speaker and the Author of best selling book: Tick Tick Dollar!

No matter which part of the world you live in and what are your views on politics, terrorism, human rights and global warming it is important for you to know what CIA trap is. It is irrelevant what race, religion, and culture you belong to. I don’t want to know your age, education or family. I have no interest in your history, friends, failures, disappointments or setbacks. I don’t even wish to know your goals, dreams and vision for the future.

Whatever future you want to create, please don’t become a victim of CIA if you are really committed to reach your goals. You probably didn’t like the suspense. You want to know why? Why CIA is your biggest dream killer?

What this CIA has to do with your most desired goals, ambitions and future? My answer is …. Everything! CIA can block your vision, damage your present and throw you out of the game. What does this CIA stands for?

C is ‘complacency’

CIA trap starts with ‘complacency’ that entices you to become complacent, comfortable and relax with whatever you have already achieved despite a strong need to move ahead. It convinces you to indulge in an attitude of satisfaction even in the absence of any significant achievement. When complacency sets in, organizations belonging to the elite clubs like fortune 500 companies disappear from the business map.

Complacent teams are bound to embrace embarrassment. Complacent individuals lose their competitiveness and fall behind the success line.

Stop being complacent today. Avoid the temptation of sluggishness, lethargy, idleness and laziness. Take every single day as an opportunity to go beyond where you were yesterday, even a few inches. Don’t accept the smug strategy that allures you to think as self-satisfied, haughty, and arrogant. Complacency will kill you. Allow yourself to experience some ‘creative stress’ on a daily basis.

I is ‘inefficiency’

When trapped by CIA, even the most competent, capable and talented people become inefficient. Once this ‘inefficiency’ cuts into their skins, it gets deeper and deeper. It then starts running in their blood.

Have you ever seen amazingly gifted people ruining their life with disgusting mediocrity? Who has not witnessed some remarkable artists’, musicians, actors, teachers, writers, publishers, politicians and leaders who popped up with a bang and grabbed our full attention? You might also have seen them becoming a victim of ‘complacency’ at a later stage. These ‘once successful’ starts then dwelled to long on less than their very best. Therefore, world ‘labeled’ them as inept, wasteful, clumsy, useless and even hopeless.

You can still get out of CIA trap if you decide to say good bye to inefficiency and replace your feeling of inadequacy with competence, effectiveness, and value.

Failure to do so will throw you in to the third degree of CIA imprisonment.

A is ‘apathy’

Apathy means having a ‘who cares’ attitude!

Apathy is the worst of all human emotions. People with apathetic tendencies begin to behave as indifferent. They show lack of concern toward everything around. Such people devastate organizations by becoming uncommitted towards business goals, unconcerned towards customers; casual towards quality issues, and unworried about their own contribution.

Nothing can kill personal and business relations as quick as apathy. Apathetic individuals, teams, groups, committees, unions, communities, and societies can effortlessly craft dissatisfaction, chaos, confusion and turmoil. Apathy can destroy motivation, drive, and enthusiasm for personal and organizational growth.

In short, keep away from the CIA (complacency, inefficiency and apathy) trap at every cost. You know why? Because once trapped, some people can go beyond and happily choose to become an agent of CIA. They actively engage themselves in dragging people in to complacency, inefficiency and apathy (CIA)

In my decade long interaction with both top leaders and managers around the globe, I have caught many of them secretly working for CIA. A majority of them was completely unaware of this truth.

Are you sure you have protected yourself against the likelihood of becoming a CIA agent? Say no to complacency, inefficiency and apathy (CIA). Replace complacency with some anxiety to surpass performance standard. Substitute inefficiency with effectiveness, efficacy and worth. Trade apathy with care, attention, consideration and awareness.

The day you quit to follow CIA agenda (complacency, inefficiency and apathy) and commit yourself to demonstrate initiative, drive and engagement; you will begin to experience a rewarding change in every result you produce. It’s a personal promise.

Why some people achieve their dreams? Read the POP principle by Qaiser Abbas from: http://wp.me/pHUHq-ga

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Can a person be at peace and at war, both at the same time?

Can a person become a ‘peaceful warrior?

After reading Dan Millman’s book: The Way of a peaceful warrior, my answer is ‘Yes’

One of my friends recommended me to watch the movie: The Peaceful Warrior when I posted top three motivational movies on this blog (you can read about three motivational movies from this link: http://wp.me/pHUHq-fz)

The book is based on a real life story of an athlete who suffers with an accident and his leg is broken.

This book (or you may watch the movie if you want) is about a young person who meets a mentor called Socrates at a gas station. His mentor teaches him to be at peace with himself first rather than fighting a war. He gives him practical guidance to walk on the path of focus. Even after meeting a major accident, that young person is able to become athlete again. It is a must watch if you want to get motivated to achieve big in life.

The Author of the book has claimed: The book that changes lives!

In this post, I would like to share three ideas from this book:

1. We should live in present

No tension of past or no worry of the future – only present!

Some one said: You cannot change your past but you can certainly destroy your present by worrying about the future.

A peaceful warrior is at peace in the given moment. A peaceful warrior is present in whatever he or she is doing. I remember another great saying: Past is gone, future is yet to come, you are blessed with a gift of current moment – that is why it is called: PRESENT!

2. Happiness is the name of a journey not destination

It may happen that we get what we wanted but after that, we feel empty!

One should enjoy the path – the journey of life – every moment of it.

3. Have solitude and discover what is inside us

A peaceful warrior spends time in silence and tries to discover one self. One of the difficult tasks is to be at peace and harmony with oneself i.e. to discover the inner self!

Once a person is silent and tries to ‘listen’ to the voice of silence, peace is achieved which comes from within. (Who can change you? Here is an interesting post: http://wp.me/pHUHq-9F)

Message of the day: Let’s live in the present!

Your thoughts?

By Motivational and inspiring speaker: Qaiser Abbas – Author of the best selling book: Tick Tick Dollar!

 All human beings have aspirations, hopes and dreams to become a breathtaking success. Yet most of us don’t achieve what we desire to. Majority of human beings live a life of mediocrity, way below their level of satisfaction. We often feel unhappy, dissatisfied, unfulfilled and even un-accomplished.

If you want to produce a significant improvement in any area of your life, you got to bring POP Principle in action in your day to day living. The POP Principle guides you to achieve success, prosperity, and a deeper sense of contentment in your life. It can bridge the difference between your aspirations and actions thus creates the life you truly desire and deserve.

What this ‘POP Principle’ is? Simple.

The P in POP Principle stands for ‘ Potential’ Read the rest of this entry »

So we want to be a master student or we want to be an excellent accountant or we want to be an oustanding entrepreneur….

The question is: How to achieve mastery in any thing we do?

Wayne Dyre, a motivational speaker once met an ice hockey player and ask him about his secret of being the great hockey player and he responded: I practice every day. However, Wayne Dyre was not satisfied with the response. So, he kept on exploring. Finally, the hockey player said: I see the goal in my mind before actually scoring it!

What are the pathways to becoming best in whatever we do?

Three pathways, as suggested by Mr. Dyre are: Read the rest of this entry »

Let’s look at media around us. What is generally on media?

Accidents, thefts, killings, terrorism and all the negative thoughts with a few or very rare rays of hope. However, in this post, we are not discussing about the channel BBC at all.

Without any prejudice to BBC, which is a indeed a very informative channel, our trainer, Mr. Qaiser Abbas (www.possibilities.net.pk) told us over a leadership seminar that we should stop running BBC in our minds, particularly in our lives.

So, what does BBC in this context stands for?

First ‘B’ is for ‘Blame’

I blamed our Government for so many taxes.

I blamed my circumstances for not letting me get ahead in life.

I blamed Mr. X and I blamed Ms. Y but at the end of the day, I remain what I am and nothing happened to those whom I was blaming!

While driving, people pass us in a rash manner and we start blaming society.

Thought of the day: Is it really worth blaming others? Aren’t we are responsible for our thoughts and actions.

Second ‘B’ is for ‘Back biting’

At times it happen that we start talking negative about people who are not present.

Is it a good attitude?

When we are talking about some one, other people might be talking in same tone about us when we are not present!

What is the use of back biting? Instead of back biting, can’t we go straight to the person and discuss what are we feeling about him or her?

Third ‘C’ is about Counter attack

Instead of thinking to take revenge and get ahead in life by beating Mr. X or Ms. Y, can we think in terms of serving others?

Can we thinking of collaboration and not competition?

Can we stop BBC in our minds?


We all want to do things effectively and get more done in less time.

In one of the recent training sessions, idea of using 5 D was communicated to us by Mr. Qaiser Abbas (www.possibilities.net.pk). We can ask five ‘D’ questions before doing any task at hand. Asking such questions and answering them properly will help us to get things done in effective manner. (You can read about other ideas of time management and using ABCDE method from: http://wp.me/pHUHq-7J)

So, what are five Ds?

1. Don’t do it!

There is an option available to us: Not doing the task at all!

The first question which one should ask: What will happen if I don’t do this task?

What are the consequences of the task not getting done? Can I live with consequences? If yes, not doing it is one of the options. Read the rest of this entry »

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