Wisdom From Books

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From Qaiser Abbas, Motivational & Inspirational Speaker and the Author of best selling book: Tick Tick Dollar!

No matter which part of the world you live in and what are your views on politics, terrorism, human rights and global warming it is important for you to know what CIA trap is. It is irrelevant what race, religion, and culture you belong to. I don’t want to know your age, education or family. I have no interest in your history, friends, failures, disappointments or setbacks. I don’t even wish to know your goals, dreams and vision for the future.

Whatever future you want to create, please don’t become a victim of CIA if you are really committed to reach your goals. You probably didn’t like the suspense. You want to know why? Why CIA is your biggest dream killer?

What this CIA has to do with your most desired goals, ambitions and future? My answer is …. Everything! CIA can block your vision, damage your present and throw you out of the game. What does this CIA stands for?

C is ‘complacency’

CIA trap starts with ‘complacency’ that entices you to become complacent, comfortable and relax with whatever you have already achieved despite a strong need to move ahead. It convinces you to indulge in an attitude of satisfaction even in the absence of any significant achievement. When complacency sets in, organizations belonging to the elite clubs like fortune 500 companies disappear from the business map.

Complacent teams are bound to embrace embarrassment. Complacent individuals lose their competitiveness and fall behind the success line.

Stop being complacent today. Avoid the temptation of sluggishness, lethargy, idleness and laziness. Take every single day as an opportunity to go beyond where you were yesterday, even a few inches. Don’t accept the smug strategy that allures you to think as self-satisfied, haughty, and arrogant. Complacency will kill you. Allow yourself to experience some ‘creative stress’ on a daily basis.

I is ‘inefficiency’

When trapped by CIA, even the most competent, capable and talented people become inefficient. Once this ‘inefficiency’ cuts into their skins, it gets deeper and deeper. It then starts running in their blood.

Have you ever seen amazingly gifted people ruining their life with disgusting mediocrity? Who has not witnessed some remarkable artists’, musicians, actors, teachers, writers, publishers, politicians and leaders who popped up with a bang and grabbed our full attention? You might also have seen them becoming a victim of ‘complacency’ at a later stage. These ‘once successful’ starts then dwelled to long on less than their very best. Therefore, world ‘labeled’ them as inept, wasteful, clumsy, useless and even hopeless.

You can still get out of CIA trap if you decide to say good bye to inefficiency and replace your feeling of inadequacy with competence, effectiveness, and value.

Failure to do so will throw you in to the third degree of CIA imprisonment.

A is ‘apathy’

Apathy means having a ‘who cares’ attitude!

Apathy is the worst of all human emotions. People with apathetic tendencies begin to behave as indifferent. They show lack of concern toward everything around. Such people devastate organizations by becoming uncommitted towards business goals, unconcerned towards customers; casual towards quality issues, and unworried about their own contribution.

Nothing can kill personal and business relations as quick as apathy. Apathetic individuals, teams, groups, committees, unions, communities, and societies can effortlessly craft dissatisfaction, chaos, confusion and turmoil. Apathy can destroy motivation, drive, and enthusiasm for personal and organizational growth.

In short, keep away from the CIA (complacency, inefficiency and apathy) trap at every cost. You know why? Because once trapped, some people can go beyond and happily choose to become an agent of CIA. They actively engage themselves in dragging people in to complacency, inefficiency and apathy (CIA)

In my decade long interaction with both top leaders and managers around the globe, I have caught many of them secretly working for CIA. A majority of them was completely unaware of this truth.

Are you sure you have protected yourself against the likelihood of becoming a CIA agent? Say no to complacency, inefficiency and apathy (CIA). Replace complacency with some anxiety to surpass performance standard. Substitute inefficiency with effectiveness, efficacy and worth. Trade apathy with care, attention, consideration and awareness.

The day you quit to follow CIA agenda (complacency, inefficiency and apathy) and commit yourself to demonstrate initiative, drive and engagement; you will begin to experience a rewarding change in every result you produce. It’s a personal promise.

Why some people achieve their dreams? Read the POP principle by Qaiser Abbas from: http://wp.me/pHUHq-ga

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Dr. Joe Vitale says that he wrote this book for one person: his sister.

Dr. Joe (www.mrfire.com) states: “What matters is you. Your happiness. Your health. Your healing. Your well-being. The truth is, no method works for everyone. No teacher is right for everyone. No book is going to inspire everyone. It all comes from within. You are the first and final authority on your life”.

Bonnie, sister of Dr. Joe had three kids. She was unemployed and was on welfare. Dr. Joe states that she followed the five-step process Dr. Joe developed.

As per Dr. Joe: “I wrote this material for her, and only for her, in 1997. She’s now off welfare and doing fine. She’s got a house, a car, a job, and a loving family. She’s not rich yet, but I think I’ve shown her a new way to live life”.

The five steps have been defined in yesterday’s post, accessible from this link: http://wp.me/pHUHq-94

Below are six points which Dr. Joe has presented in the last chapter of the book as key points to be remembered:

1. You are totally responsible for your experiences in your life.
• That doesn’t mean you caused them. But on some level you attracted them. You are responsible for them. That’s not good or bad.
• Simply use the experiences to learn about yourself.
• Get clear, and choose what you prefer to experience.

2. You are absorbing beliefs from the culture itself.
• If you are watching movies about violence, or reading the papers, or watching the news, you are filling your mind with the very vibe that will attract more of what you soaked up.
• Mother Teresa said she would never attend an antiwar rally.
• Why? Because it contains the very energy that creates more war.
• Watch what you absorb.
• Choose what you want to attract.
• Be aware.

3. You are not ruler of the earth, but you have more power than you ever realized.
• You can move mountains with the right thought and action.
• Keep a balance of ego and spirit in your life, always striving to let your ego obey spirit.

4. You can change your thoughts.
• This often feels impossible to believe because it’s not normal for the vast majority of people. But what you think is largely habit.
• Start noticing what goes through your head.
• If you don’t like it, start consciously changing it.
• Choose new thoughts.

5. You can do the impossible.
• What you believe to be the restraints of time and space right now may simply be the limits of our current understanding.
• If you have an inclination to try something new and different, than so be it.
• Go for it. Make it so. You may be creating a path never seen before.
• Dare something worthy.

6. Whatever image you add feeling to will manifest.
If you fear something, or love something, you are adding energy to it.
Anything you fear or love will tend to be attracted into your life.
Choose your passions wisely.

Here is an interesting video from Dr. Joe Vitale:


This book is really an interesting read. Your thoughts?



When you visit any lunchroom in any big company, what do you hear?

 Gossip. Complains. Bitter talk. Negativity.

 Have you been to any family gathering around dinner time? What are people generally talking about?

 Gossip. Complains. Bitter talk. Negativity.

 Here is list of expression which we generally hear:

 “I don’t want this backache.”

“I don’t want this headache.”

“I don’t want these bills.”

“I don’t want to struggle in my job.”

 As per Joe Vitale, What we don’t realize is we are activating the Attractor Factor in a negative way. When we say, “I don’t want these bills,” our focus is on—you guessed it—


The spirit of life will deliver whatever you focus on. At times we have ‘FEAR’. Fear is in fact, ‘wrongly-directed’ faith! We are focusing and believing a negative thought – that’s what the fear is!


How did Socrates, the famous philosopher avoided negativity?

Here is one of the stories from Socrates:

One day, a man rushed up to Socrates, saying, “I have some news to tell you!” Socrates put up his hand to stop the excited man.

“First let me ask you three questions,” Socrates said. “Ah, er, okay,” said the man.

“Is the news you are about to tell me something you personally know to be true?”

“Well, no,” replied the man. “I heard it from a good source, though.”

“Then let’s go to the second question,” Socrates said.

“Is the news you want to tell me about someone you know personally?”

“Well, no,” the man said. “But I think you know the person.”

“I see,” said Socrates. “Then let me ask you my final question. Is this news positive or negative?”

“Well, it’s negative.”

“Let me see,” said the wise Socrates. “You want to tell me some news that you don’t know personally to be true, about someone you don’t know at all, and that is negative.”

“Well, it sounds bad when you put it like that.”

“I think I’ll pass,” Socrates said.

 Five steps to attract whatever you want:

“The Attractor Factor” by Dr. Joe Vitale is a book which explains five steps to create wealth (or anything else) from inside out. Here are five steps explained in detail in the book by the author:

1. Know what you don’t want. 2. Select what you do want. 3. Clear all negative or limiting beliefs.

4. Feel what it would be like to have, do, or be what you want.

5. Let go as you act on your intuitive impulses, and allow the results to manifest.

You may visit his website www.mrfire.com to know more about him. More from the books in coming days. Your thoughts?


Almost every person wants others to respect him or her.

Brian Tracy (www.briantracy.com) suggests: “if you want people to respect you, the best way is for you to respect them, in advance”.

 More thoughts from Brian Tracy’s book: Create your own future:

  • We are living not in an era of the ‘go-getters’ but ‘go-givers’.
  • Give before you receive
  • Majority of people who are unable to achieve in their lives are those who are waiting and waiting and waiting for ‘others’ to do some thing
  • The law of giving says – Give more and have more!
  • Can you get fruit before your sow the seed? If not, how can you earn happiness if you don’t sow seeds of good ideas, good thoughts, good feelings and respect to others?

REMEMBER: a person will not ‘give’ and ‘receive’ from the same person.  It may happen that you give to one and you receive from the other…. (This is an interesting thought, isn’t it). Brain Tracy provides and explanation of law of attraction as follows:

 “When you do something nice for another person, it raises your own self-esteem and makes you feel better about yourself. This heightened feeling of positive energy activates your powers of attraction. You become a more powerful magnet for people and circumstances consistent with your goals. Good things start to happen to you”.

Brian Tracy has narrated story of Rockfeller in his book as follows:

When Rockefeller was 52 years old, he was the richest man in the world. He was also a physical wreck. He was in a state of collapse. His body was falling apart. The doctors told him that he only had a few months, perhaps a year, to live. He had worked for so long, and so hard, and had taken such poor care of himself physically, that even though he could afford any kind of treatment, there was nothing they could do for him. Rockefeller decided that if he was going to die anyway, he was going to go back to his original intention and give away some of his money.

He sold half of his interests in the Rockefeller oil companies for cash, an amount of about $500 million dollars. He then set up the first Rockefeller Foundation and began giving his money away to worthy causes that he had admired over the years. And a remarkable thing happened.

The more money he gave away, the healthier he became.

Eventually, his physical problems cleared up. The more dedicated he became to charitable causes, to funding churches and foundations and other needy organizations, the better he felt, and the healthier, happier, and more positive he became. Meanwhile, the Rockefeller oil companies continued to grow. The half ownership that he retained in his companies increased in value at a rate faster than he could give the other half away. Rockefeller lived to the age of 92, another 40 years. By the time he died, he had given away hundreds of millions of dollars. But the incredible thing was that he was worth more when he died than when he had sold half of his interests at the age of 52 and began his charitable activities.

Now, if some one has no money, what should he or she give?

My response: Give your smile, your happiness and your kind words to the other person and see the miracle!

Do you really believe in this? Do you believe that ‘giving’ your thoughts, your time, your energy, your efforts without expecting reward will make you happy? e.g. teaching a child who cannot read or helping a widow or helping an older person in something? Looking for your thoughts!!!



How can son of a cleaning lady and a steel worker reach Harvard Business School? The answer is in the book: Never Eat Alone and other secrets of success by Keith Ferrazzi (http://www.keithferrazzi.com/)


The book is about networking and connecting with people.

Here is the story of Keith Ferrazzi from his book: Never Eat Alone

I was a country boy from southwestern Pennsylvania, raised in a small, hardworking steel and coal town outside of Latrobe called Youngstown. Our region was so rural you couldn’t see another house from the porch of our modest home. My father worked in the local steel mill; on weekends he’d do construction.

My mother cleaned the homes of the doctors and lawyers in a nearby town. My brother escaped small-town life by way of the army; my sister got married in high school and moved out when I was a toddler.

Hard work, I reassured myself, was one of the ways I’d beaten the odds and gotten into Harvard Business School. But there was something else that separated me from the rest of my class and gave me an advantage. I seemed to have learned something long before I arrived in Cambridge that it seemed many of my peers had not.

 As a kid, I caddied (worked to carry bags and kits of people who played golf) at the local country club for the homeowners and their children living in the wealthy town next to mine. It made me think often and hard about those who succeed and those who don’t. I made an observation in those days that would alter the way I viewed the world. 

During those long stretches on the links, as I carried their bags, I watched how the people who had reached professional heights unknown to my father and mother helped each other. They found one another jobs, they invested time and money in one another’s ideas, and they made sure their kids got help getting into the best schools, got the right internships, and ultimately got the best jobs. Before my eyes, I saw proof that success breeds success and, indeed, the rich do get richer. Their web of friends and associates was the most potent club the people I caddied for, had in their bags.

Poverty, I realized, wasn’t only a lack of financial resources; it was isolation from the kind of people that could help you make more of yourself.

 I came to believe that in some very specific ways life, like golf, is a game, and that the people who know the rules, and know them well, play it best and succeed. And the rule in life that has unprecedented power is that the individual who knows the right people, for the right reasons, and utilizes the power of these relationships, can become a member of the “club,” whether he started out as a caddie or not.

This realization came with some empowering implications. To achieve your goals in life, I realized, it matters less how smart you are, how much innate talent you’re born with, or even, most eye-opening to me, where you came from and how much you started out with. Sure all these are important, but they mean little if you don’t understand one thing: You can’t get there alone. In fact, you can’t get very far at all.

Now, think of a circle, a tri-angle or a square and watch this interesting video where Keith Ferrazzi speaks to all:


Is networking really important?

Share your ideas and thoughts.

More from this book in coming days.


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