Wisdom From Books

Posts Tagged ‘joe vitale

Have you read the Book ‘The Secret’ or have seen the movie: ‘The Secret’? (You may read about the summary of the Secret from: http://wp.me/pHUHq-4q)

‘The Opus’ is the next level of the movie ‘The Secret’.

The movie ‘The Opus’ is one of the inspirational and motivational movies by one of the ‘heroes’ of the Secret: Mr. Joe Vitale. (Read more about The Attractor Factor of Joe Vitale from: http://wp.me/pHUHq-94)

Summary: There is no perfect time – There is no perfect plan; Whatever you want to do, start doing it! 

From vision to plan and from plan to performance – This is what the movie ‘The Opus’ is all about.

The Opus is story of a child who was poor but had a dream, a dream to become a great violinist. Was he able to achieve his dream?

Last six letters of the word ‘Attraction’ are ‘ACTION’. We need to take appropriate action to get results we need. Read the rest of this entry »


When you visit any lunchroom in any big company, what do you hear?

 Gossip. Complains. Bitter talk. Negativity.

 Have you been to any family gathering around dinner time? What are people generally talking about?

 Gossip. Complains. Bitter talk. Negativity.

 Here is list of expression which we generally hear:

 “I don’t want this backache.”

“I don’t want this headache.”

“I don’t want these bills.”

“I don’t want to struggle in my job.”

 As per Joe Vitale, What we don’t realize is we are activating the Attractor Factor in a negative way. When we say, “I don’t want these bills,” our focus is on—you guessed it—


The spirit of life will deliver whatever you focus on. At times we have ‘FEAR’. Fear is in fact, ‘wrongly-directed’ faith! We are focusing and believing a negative thought – that’s what the fear is!


How did Socrates, the famous philosopher avoided negativity?

Here is one of the stories from Socrates:

One day, a man rushed up to Socrates, saying, “I have some news to tell you!” Socrates put up his hand to stop the excited man.

“First let me ask you three questions,” Socrates said. “Ah, er, okay,” said the man.

“Is the news you are about to tell me something you personally know to be true?”

“Well, no,” replied the man. “I heard it from a good source, though.”

“Then let’s go to the second question,” Socrates said.

“Is the news you want to tell me about someone you know personally?”

“Well, no,” the man said. “But I think you know the person.”

“I see,” said Socrates. “Then let me ask you my final question. Is this news positive or negative?”

“Well, it’s negative.”

“Let me see,” said the wise Socrates. “You want to tell me some news that you don’t know personally to be true, about someone you don’t know at all, and that is negative.”

“Well, it sounds bad when you put it like that.”

“I think I’ll pass,” Socrates said.

 Five steps to attract whatever you want:

“The Attractor Factor” by Dr. Joe Vitale is a book which explains five steps to create wealth (or anything else) from inside out. Here are five steps explained in detail in the book by the author:

1. Know what you don’t want. 2. Select what you do want. 3. Clear all negative or limiting beliefs.

4. Feel what it would be like to have, do, or be what you want.

5. Let go as you act on your intuitive impulses, and allow the results to manifest.

You may visit his website www.mrfire.com to know more about him. More from the books in coming days. Your thoughts?


Book of the week: Secret

The Secret

Dear reader

We have discussed many ideas from the Book: ‘The Secret’ in earlier posts. Now is the time for complete summary / book review. THE SECRET is: ‘The Law of ATTRACTION’.

I found a power point presentation which describes whole book in 24 slides. After going through this presentation, you will get the basic ideas about the book and it will present a detailed summary before you. You may decide to read the book or see the movie. Enjoy the book review presentation. Feel free to comment.

To purchase the book, you can click: The Secret

Take some time to take part in poll. Do you really believe in ‘THE SECRET’?


Do I really believe that ‘Thoughts become things’? We attract our own happiness?

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