Wisdom From Books

Archive for the ‘time management’ Category

Many people will tell you may rules for success. So, the first question: ‘Is there any ‘rule’ or are there any ‘rules’ for success’?

Every one interprets the term ‘success’ differently. For many people, success is material wealth. For many people, success is peace of mind.

Whatever perception people have, Brian Tracy, author of the book ‘Eat That Frog‘ suggests a very interesting rule for success. The rule is: Think on paper. Write down your goals. Review them daily and track your progress.

text on shelf

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Eating the frog means identifying your most important task and tackling it with single-minded focus until it is completed. Brian Tracy tells us that only 3% people put their goals on paper….. Surprising, isn’t it? Are we among 3% people or are we part of the 97% ?

Here is food for thought when you plan to move towards success:

i. Decide precisely what you want

ii. Write the goal on paper

iii. Set a deadline to achieve

iv. List what you will need to achieve the goal

v. Turn the list into the plan by putting priority and sequence

vi. Take action immediately – Do anything. ‘Do’

vii. Take some small action towards your goal every day.

Simple – isn’t it?

Practice is the key – Try it!

self motivation

self motivation

Becoming a better manager is easy and Kenneth Blanchard has told us about doing it in one minute!

One Minute Manager was an international best seller which was translated in over 25 languages.

It is about a person who tried to become the best manager. He met a mentor – a person who was great manager. He told him about the one minute principle. Before we proceed to one minute principle, here are a few ideas from the author:

1. If God wishes us to talk more and listen less, he would have created two tongues and one ear!

2. It is not important what people do in front of you. The important thing is: What people do behind you.

Read more from: http://wisdomfrombooks.com/?p=1076


We’ve all heard ourselves say it: “There’s never enough time!” Maybe Noah and his family said it, too, as they hurried the paired animals aboard the ark. But, like our forebears of long ago, we all get the same twenty-four hours, the same 1,440 minutes daily.

Noah’s advantage?

His team got a precise deadline, clear consequences, and detailed instructions from a Higher Authority on exactly when and how to proceed.

The above is from the fourth edition of international best seller: THE TIME TRAP Read the rest of this entry »

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