Wisdom From Books

Self Discipline in 10 days!!

Posted on: April 3, 2010

“SELF DISCIPLINE in ten days – how to go from thinking to doing” by Theodore Bryant is an interesting, small-sized practical guide-book for all of us who wish to try to get ourselves little ‘disciplined’. In 160 pages, the book is divided into four parts: preliminary information, a ten-day self-development program, subconscious belief and five power tools and lastly; putting it altogether.

The Author has mentioned that every one of us has got a side which believes that if we get ourselves ‘disciplined’, we may lose our freedom and we will have to share more responsibilities. One part within all of us is not willing at all to be self-disciplined. However, a person, when develops his or her own discipline guidelines, becomes ones own boss.

Five factors in everyone which generally stop us to achieve the goal of becoming self disciplined include: cynicism, negativism, defeatism, escapism and delayism (Wow! So many ‘isms’!!!!).

To put it short, we don’t want to adopt discipline because there are negative thoughts stopping us to do so. That negative part in each one of us is termed as ‘Hyde’ by the author (the negative character in the novel on Dr. Jekyll and Hyde)

The Cure to the five negative factors:

Accomplishment-oriented, present-tense, concrete self-talk is the first line of defense against negative thoughts which keep a person tied to old ways of thinking. Believe that our attitude has everything to do with our success, regardless of the task at hand. Believe that there is just as much good stuff in the world as there is bad stuff. WE can choose our own attitude. Will our attitude work for us or against us? The choice is ours. Believe it. Believe that life, for the most part, is based on the cause-and effect principle. In our life, our actions are the cause; the results of our actions are the effects.

We need to replace negative self talk with positive self talk as the first step.


Self-talk is a conversation we have with ourself. Often, this occurs subconsciously. Self-talk always goes on, even when we don’t consciously hear it. WE constantly receive messages from ourselves, they never stop. Every second of our day you make choices based on these messages. Whether we are deciding what to eat, what to wear, or what to do, a process of choice is taking place. The choices that determine our actions are based on self-talk.  This inner conversation is comparable to the background music that plays while a person shops in a supermarket. The music plays but people don’t really hear it unless people consciously and purposely focus their attention on it. But even though people aren’t consciously aware of it, this background music has an effect on people’s behavior. 

Research has shown time and time again that background music influences our buying patterns. The stores wouldn’t do it if it didn’t increase sales.

And here is an interesting point from the book:

Did you hear about the fellow who returned a shirt to the clothing store and told the salesman, “After I got home, I realized that I don’t like this shirt. I just liked the song that was playing in the store when I bought it.!!!

The author states: “Action-oriented self-talk overrules self-defeating self-talk by being Positive, Specific, and Present Tense. Why? our subconscious mind believes whatever we tell it. It looks to you for reality. If you tell it that, “I am now working on my report,” then your subconscious mind will turn all its attention to your report, no matter what you actually are doing when you say it”.

Your thoughts on the above?

More from the book in coming days.


9 Responses to "Self Discipline in 10 days!!"

A great book. Starts to set the law of attraction in place surrounding the concept of self-discipline. I was very pleased with the positive changes in my life while reading and working (do the exercises, very important). I believe it is worth studying after the initial read.

Thank you so much……. I was struggling a lot to download this book. And I got it here.. .

Sounds promising ….To get a dynamic effect Couple it with Jack Canfield’s “The Success Principles”

the book is a really useful one.. realizing one’s Hyde side is one of the most wonderful steps towards self awareness!!!

Interesting stuff! For someone who spends so much time with theological books etc. this sounds so much like a toned down mystical psychology stuff … I mean a lot of these strategies will be called for for spiritual discipline, life of prayer, meditation and contemplation.

Not to mention the language of the article: Believe that, believe this, believe it …


A good book and worthwhile for those who need help in developing their self-esteem and self-discipline. Exercises provided in book are simple and also fun, gives you an opportunity to do some soul searching.

In ShahabNama, the author explains the same phenomenon. He says that self talk is like looking for a particular word in a dictionary. Although we are looking for only one word, we also glance over several other words, but this does not mean that our goal has changed.

Same I feel for self talk. Once we have a GOAL that we intend to achieve, and we focus, other things, although there, will start moving in background.

Have a great week!

thanks for sharing… its really informative!

nice one… i think i can develop a small talk for community ..its very practical .. thanks for sharing sir ji

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